Dungeon Pets
My second offering for Zinequest 2 is a project that I have working towards for over a year now. It is an offshoot of my weekly monster drawings, but made up of Monster, you can train and take as pets in a D&D game.
I launched the Kickstarter today to see if I can get it in print. You can click on the Dungeon Pets name above, and it will take you to the Kickstart page. Some of what I am going to talk about here is repeated on the KS page.
Dungeon Pets is an RPG art zine full of strange and fantastic creatures that adventurers in a roleplaying game can take on as pets. These creatures are similar to animal companions but have no class or level restrictions in regards to who can be their owners. Just like a house cat or a dog, an adventurer can purchase these pets and, with time, train them for many different takes to make them valuable companions while out on an adventure.
What is a Dungeon Pet?
These strange and fantastic creatures that exist in a living fantasy world. They are not Monsters that attack villages and adventurers seeking gold, blood, or power. But are just cute critters that live in the world who are a bit more amazing than the typical cat or dog.
One such pet is the Necro-Hamster. These undead critters make the best pets for those who often forget to feed or water other pets. Though many religious groups might frown upon their existence, these cute monsters only use their necromantic powers for the good of their owners.
Sample of the Books Layout:
The zine has few game mechanics. There are rules for training your pet, what kind of skills they can acquire, and rules on pet health. They do not have the standard 5e monster stats but instead are left open for easy conversion to other game systems, only using D&D terminology to help guide a Gamemaster in using these creatures in their games.
Pet Health.
Exploring the deadly regions with your owner can be dangerous. Below is an explanation of how a Dungeon Pets health works. Every pet has two parts to their health; a select number of Heart Boxes and a Hit Die type, these range between D4 and D12, which are used in place of tracking Hit Points.
This idea comes from Matt Colville's Strongholds and Followers book, but in this case, I simplified the process by making it an HD roll instead of a CON Saving Throw.
Final Thoughts.
The Kickstarter will be going on for 2 weeks and will hopefully be as well-received as The Black Pyramid has been. I am looking forward to a full spring of proofreading and publishing. As the Kickstarter moves ticks long, I'll be making more posts talking about a few of the pets to give you an idea of what to expect from the zine.